
Monday, November 29, 2010

Life/Writing...the Inter-Relationships

Just turned in a fellowship application. Now keeping my fingers crossed. I woke up pretty early today, went out to breakfast with a friend. Now, that was nice. It gave me the opportunity to start my day early. Although the downside of that is, I get tired early too, it totally seems worth it. I have been thinking of something lately. I am not someone who thinks there is only one route to becoming a writer or an artist. The texts we produce need to stand alone, and they do stand alone. They are capable of producing meanings which reveal things about the world at large irrespective of the writer/artist's biography. But at the same time, I think, a writer/artist's lifestyle is written within the text. There is only so much one can do to move beyond the constraints of one's life. If a writer hasn't ever thought of the need to do something in real life, chances are he/she wouldn't necessarily write about it in his/her texts. There are, of course, ways in which that absence will be written within the body of that text, and that absence itself might make the space for a whole host of other writers and critics to step in. But that absence, itself, will be felt, no doubt. As a writer, I think, if I am being truly honest to my art, there isn't much option other than to expand, and keep on expanding expanding...

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